Stars in every corner
It’s an unusual album in that it’s 75 minutes of music – longer than your average album. The first half
is comprised of 7 songs. The second half is an instrumental section with an introduction and prayer inviting the
listener to soak in God’s presence.
Review of the songs
Glorious: I write and perform music in the hope that people might have a tangible experience of God and
heaven. A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument. I believe we have to
engage further with heaven so that we can engage further with earth. My wish is for us to have heavenly
experiences which so transform us, we become the headquarters of the Holy Spirit. You can only teach what
you know but impart what you are – and right now, what we are needs greater supernatural transformation if
we’re going to see God imparting his Kingdom power through us into society.
Let your Kingdom come: My hope is that this song increases thirst for revival in the listener. You can take a
horse to water but you can’t make him drink. True, but you can make him thirsty by feeding him salt first!
Many of us have experienced ‘salty’ desert times, which God uses to provoke us to greater dependence on him.
To put it another way, God won’t force-feed us but he has his ways of making us hungry. Are you hungry for
revival or just open? God doesn’t respond to openness but hunger. God is stirring up the eaglet’s nest, to create
a dissatisfaction, to get you to fly.
In your arms: God is breaking the conditioning of superficiality off us, where ministry has taken the place of
spirituality. We have to do things ‘out of the depths’. He doesn’t want us to work for him but from him.
I will always love you: You’ll never rise above the picture you have of yourself. The truest thing about you is
what God says about you: “All God’s works are wonderful” (Ps.139:14). You are one of God’s works –
therefore, you are wonderful!! God touches the scoundrels and those who don’t want to be touched. If he only
touched those who’d prayed and fasted, etc. they might think it was as a result of their efforts. Stop trying to
make yourself important in front of God. How important are you to him? Well, God couldn’t bear the idea of
being separated from you for all eternity, so he did what was necessary to see that didn’t happen.
Hold me: Don’t be passive in the period before the breakthrough. This should be a mixture of resting and doing.
You need to learn to receive comfort from God – otherwise you’ll eat too much chocolate! Allow God to love
on you. Learn how to access him. Develop stillness and quietness, especially on difficult days. “The Lord will
be your confidence in quietness…..” (Prov. 3:26). Peace is a weapon.Jesus was going to pass by the disciples labouring in the boat (Mk. 6:49). God is not impressed by our labours
but he is by us calling out to him, to be with him. He doesn’t respond to our hard work. When you’re in a pit, if
you call on God, he can make it into a well so you can draw on the Holy Spirit.
Just to love you: It’s so easy to love God for what we can get out of him. Martha became jealous of Mary’s
friendship with Jesus, so she asked him to tell Mary to help her. She was degrading Mary’s friendship role with
Jesus, to justify her works role with him. Until we see God for more than his roles, we’ll never truly worship
him. God isn’t a repair man. There’s a big difference between God’s presence and his company. In a doctor’s
surgery, you can be in the presence of people, but not in their company.
The best is yet to come: We all make mistakes. Jesus chose 12 disciples, one was a devil. If Jesus can mess up,
you will. So don’t think your bad decisions have derailed God’s plan for your life. God has plenty of plan A’s.
A recurring theme is scripture is ‘You forgot!’ This song is a reminder that God likes using broken things. He
turns tears into gems and straw into gold. He’s preparing us for a spiritual awakening that is about to engulf our
nation. It’s been a long time of waiting because God is putting the values of the revival in place. Then we will
be thrust out. It’s a time of alignment for assignment. God has saved the best wine till last!