“What do you do?”
The response is usually “What do you want?” and “How can we apply it to your people?”.
Our aim is:
- Revealing the fatherly nature of God.
- Releasing the power of the Holy Spirit into churches.
- Concert evangelism – leading people to Christ.
This can be done in many ways both through the music and through the teaching.
This can be:
- Over a full weekend (Fri – Sun)
- In a ‘one-off’ event.
- Over a course of dates (midweek or weekend), e.g. four Tuesdays, or two Saturday mornings.
A suggested weekend programme can be found here.
What fits in best with your church?
Some of the things we do:
- Workshops on worship for leaders, musicians or congregations.
- Workshops on healing, worship, listening to God, training up ministry teams, spiritual warfare, leading worship, creativity in worship and training and leading a worship team.
Do you need a big church to minister into?
Only if you’ve got one! We can come to individual groups within your church or in recent visits to the USA we have been ministering to smaller groups (around 25 people) to lessen the burden on those organising meetings. So no, you don’t need a huge gathering – feel free to contact us!
My general approach
I’ve always believed in the old adage: ‘When I hear I forget, when I see I remember, but when I do I understand’. Therefore the sessions will have a workshop, ‘hands-on’ feel to them. My aim is not to teach but to train, equipping people with skills and tools.