A Sample Weekend Programme
Here is a suggested timetable for a weekend:
19.30 – 21.30 Session 1. WORKSHOP Part I
SATURDAY 10.00-15.00 (Approx)
10.00 – 11.15 Session 2. WORKSHOP Part II.
11.30 – 12.30 Session 3. WORKSHOP Part III.
13.30 – 15.00 Session 4. PRAYER-MINISTRY or PRAYER WALK.
The afternoon session after lunch is usually spent praying for people where God has precipitated issues in their life, which are blockages to them experiencing Him deeper. If the workshop subject is ‘spiritual warfare’ the afternoon session is usually a prayer walk.
17.30 – 21.45 CONCERT.
This is usually a ‘seeker- sensitive’ concert with an outreach flavour to it. People should be really encouraged to bring non-Christian relatives, neighbours and work colleagues to the event. We recommend that you sell tickets prior to the concert.
Teaching and leading worship. I normally take the whole meeting. As long as people (in particular the more traditional element of church) know ahead of time that it is going to be a different and probably simpler format than they’re used to, they’re usually very accommodating.
If you do decide to have a Sunday night, I’m very open to you keeping it ‘in-house’. It would be good if the Saturday night at least might be opened up to other churches.
NOTE: We suggest you make a charge for the Friday and Saturday workshops, especially if other churches are invited.
The topic(s) I cover over a weekend depends on what kind of ‘season’ the church is in at the time of our visit. Below are suggestions of some of the subjects I often cover, currently focused on the spiritual roots of disease. Each workshop will take the full 3 or 4 sessions (not 1 per session).
- Clarity about God’s wish to heal
- How our thought-life can build platforms for disease
- The connection between our thinking and our chemistry
- Generational sins
- Family trees
- The side-effects of drugs
- Stress and depression – their relationship to physical disease
- Worry, anxiety, fear, guilt, self-hatred – the roots of much modern illnesses
- Why fathers are the holders of blessings or curses in the family
- Blocks to healing.
For further information, to agree your own event programme or to book Joe, click here.